Kažkaip tik šiandien supratau, kad Freddie Mercury perdainuotas Janis Joplin gabalas "Let me Live" – tai ne kas kita, kaip gospelas :-/

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o gospelai blogai?
Tikrai ne blogai 🙂 Tiesiog nustebau, kad tik šiandien supratau, kad Fredis Merkuris dainavo gospelus 🙂
Na, gospelas, bet.
Queen turėjo pakeist dalį savo dainos „Made in Heaven“ teksto dėl kopyraito problemų -- daina buvo panaši į Janis Joplin dainuojamą „Piece of my heart“ variantą.
Tada jie dar ir pakeitė dainos pavadinimą į „Let me live“.
O „Piece of my heart“ yra atskira ilga istorija.
Yep, we are pretty close in here:
Hi, actually this post was about Freddy song which is actually a gospel 🙂
But suicide rate is another problem. Cultural. By the way, Belarus has quite related cultural roots with Lithuania, is there something like good mass opinion about suicides?
Well, the song is about not loosing hope and giving life a second chance.
The other surprizing fact is that about 20 years ago suicide rate was highest in Finland and Hungary. And they are related genetically.
20 years ago suicide rates in Soviet Union was still secret, so it is difficult to say that they were lower. Anyway, it is interesting thing.